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SCANT – Dissociative CD


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Immense debut CD release from Chondritic stalwart Scant (Inferior Passions, Thousands of Dead Gods)

“Progression is a term all too often associated with ‘more’. More detail, perhaps more expansive – Faster, sharper, harder, louder – It is also all too little however associated with restraint – The arguably most crucial part of sound design and sonic sculpture. The decision of what not to do often reflects the deepest recesses of the mind – The hesitation, the fear, the instinct, the second guessing – the thought provoking and sometimes agonizing weighing of decision and consequence. Restraint is what manifests the final product presented to the world – In our work, our art and expressions, our life decisions, down to our everyday speech and interactions. It is the finality of the sum of all our experiences and teachings, of our witnessed tragedies and accomplished triumphs. The word Scant means barely sufficient or adequate. Perhaps better pictured as less, subtracting, and scarce. However, just because these terms often are juxtaposed with minimalism, does not mean they can’t be colossal in size and impact.

Glaciers, while scantly moving, have had some of the most literal impact and shape shifting repercussions, shattering our Earth’s crust like an ancient adhesion failure. A suffocating static blizzard, fiercely destroying the senses but in actuality perhaps not moving at all – Buried by a blinding light or disorienting sound leaving one only to wonder, where am I? To aptly realize from one era of contentment to the next miserable undoubted need for change – The attempted measurement at the passage of snail paced happenings in time – The estimation of the damage and value of ones own human experience.Tones within tones. Hidden meanings to be uncovered through study and excruciating focus. Existence teems full of massive consequences through oftentimes painfully paced minor motions.

In a world where everything seems no longer able to sit still, and no one seems to value an often desperately required stillness, patience, and slow, proper progression, Scant stands above and beyond as a vividly unique and utterly needed vision in modern industrial and avant electronics. Dissociative, aptly named after symptomatically having an out of body experience, feeling numb, detached, panicked and out of sound mind is perhaps the highest representation of this all too important voice in the art of making the final decision…Of consequence, and restraint.”

– Brandon Hill (Fantastique / Starved Relations)

Weight0.055 kg
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