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XOME – Itch CD


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I’m very proud to present this reissue of a crucial album in the Xome discography. When I got into noise, Xome was one of the first artists I fell in love with. His live shows in the 90s and early 2000s were explosive to watch. Filled to the brim with sheer physicality, Xome put his heart into every show. He is a truly a legend in his own right in the Bay area scene and deservedly so. Not only is Xome a legend for his mastery of noise but also for his friendly optimistic personality and great sense of humor.
“Itch” is a magnificent, frantic, and shifting piece of noise that unfolds over 2 long jam and 13 rapid fire jolts of noise. I love this album because its a infinitely listenable document of Xome in his prime. Xome pulls no punches here delivering an astounding variety of textures and frequencies in this fantastic piece of work.

Weight0.08 kg
Dimensions14 × 13 × 1 cm
SKU: 210225003 Category: Tag:


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